i'm grateful for those times when you can exist just in the moment.
no time to worry about
or the likes
just to laze
and be warmed by the sun
plenty of time to worry later.
have a great weekend
Posted by
2:33 PM
today i am grateful for presents - big ones, small ones and all the ones in between.
a few weeks ago i met leanne for coffee at cibo's where she presented me with this:-isn't it beautiful. i have to say, i am in awe of her skills - something for me to aspire to! not only is it beautifully made but she has stitched a gorgeous design on everything.
and it was filled with goodies too.
one of them i had to retrieve from emily's room as she feels i have way too many pincushions and she could do with one of her own. to be honest, i was happy to share with her (although she did get her own present!!)
but, i'm sorry to say leanne, that much as i adore your present - the best present of all is when louis snuggles up to me and tells me he has a present for me and gives me a great big kiss. that's one of the best presents of all.
Posted by
10:13 AM
today i am grateful for quilting. for my wonderful teacher who taught me how to quilt, for my wonderful family for giving me time to quilt this weekend and for my friends and family who have made it possible to go to quilting lessons. i am very, very grateful as i really love doing it and i really love the satisfaction i get from it.
i spent sunday finishing off the quilt that i started ages ago.as you can see, i decided to go with the sashing as when i had finished off all my blocks and put them together i realised that it would be really hard to match those points together. once the top was together though, i really liked the effect and i'm very happy with it. i'm sorry about the photo - i tried to rotate it, but it didn't work. hmmm
So, the next big question is, should i put a border around it or just bind it. unfortuantely i won't be able to get anymore of the blues that are used in this quilt and i thought that rather than matching another blue, i would perhaps try and pick up a soft green that's in some of the fabrics (see below - oooh and don't look too closely at the sewing as my points still don't match).so, once again, it's over to you out there to tell me what you think - border or no border - blue border or green border???
Posted by
10:18 AM
today i grateful that the hawks won last night. my husband is a very happy man!!!
Posted by
9:47 AM
Today I'm grateful for our vegetable garden. I get immense pleasure from foraging in the garden for edible things for dinner. This shot shows off our spring onions, lettuce and carrots. It also showcases 'Pierre' our wonderful french scarecrow - well, we think he looks French. He's still in his winter gear - but with the weather warming up it won't be long till he dons his summer outfit - stay tuned. We also have some potatoes and various herbs growing. In the middle of it all is a tee-pee of sweet peas.David is a mad keen gardener. He took it up when gave up golf. He has a wonderful compost heap made from recycled pallettes and he was given a worm farm which he has established and he's been putting worm juice on our indoor plants and they are looking fantastic. It's amazing stuff really.
So, I'm off now, to pick something fresh for dinner - hmmm what can I find???
Posted by
4:13 PM
sorry - i'm blogging on my laptop and have hardly any photos on here and when i try and search for images i get nothing - not sure why but i can't see the images. anyway....here's another wordy post rather than a photoy post.
today i am grateful for libraries - in particular my local library. i have to confess i'm a bit of a shopaholic with a very limited income. about 10 years ago i discovered that libraries are a good way to feel like you are 'shopping' without having to fork out money. bliss - of course it helps that i love, love, love books. so, many a weekend is spent poring (is that the right spelling) over books at the library and looking for great reads, sources of inspiration as well as finding books that are just pretty to look at. and the best thing is that if you don't like the book, well you can just return it but, if you really, really like the book - well you can go right out and buy it!
my library is full of very helpful staff, including my gorgeous and talented niece, madi. if i want a book and they don't have it, they will try their hardest to get it in from some other library from within the state. amazing!!!!!we went to the library yesterday and i got 20 children's books as well as some books for david and i. so, on that note, i'm off to read!
Posted by
8:24 PM
today i'm grateful for warm spring days.
we've just come out of, what seemed to me to be, the coldest winter ever! but we've had a few beautifully warm sunny days and today was just perfect. it was a lovely warm 28C - perfect for washing the sheets and bedding. but it gets even better as i didn't wash my sheets - david did! i love that tonight i will slip between fresh, clean, sun dried sheets that will smell a little of spring.
i'm also grateful for the beautiful smell of jasmine that is carried on the warm spring breeze today - we are lucky to be inundated with jasmine at the moment. i also have a vase of sweet peas (my mum and oma's favourite flower) in the hallway - so i can smell spring everytime i walk up the hallway! isn't life great!!!
Posted by
8:21 PM
today i am grateful for you. for all my bloggy friends who have inspired me so much and have become my virtual friends - there are some of you (you know who you are) who have become good friends to me. lately i've been a little remiss - i've found it hard to keep up with blog reading and commenting and i've definately been a little slack on the posting front but please know that i'm still thinking of you lots! there was a time in my life when i felt a little isolated and at times a little lonely and then i found all of you and life turned around a bit. now i'm lucky to have found a friend (that will be another gratitude post later) who lives nearby and has two boys the same age as mine and we are all good friends - but maintaining friendships takes time and that time has to come from somewhere - hence the lack blogging.
today i was lucky enough to have coffee with leanne at cibos. the weather was warm and sunny and it was so lovely to catch up. she made me the loveliest gift which i promise to photograph and post about very soon - i would have done it today but my batteries ran out and my time ran out :( - stay tuned though!
so to all of you - here in adelaide, australia or overseas - thank you.
Posted by
6:37 PM
This time seven years ago, I was coming home from hospital knowing that if I didn't give birth today, I would be induced tomorrow.
I didn't really want to be induced, so David and I walked all over Prospect during the day, urging that little baby to come out. We ended up walking up to the school to pick up Emily and walking home. By the time I got home I was very, very tired. I remember remarking to David that I hoped I wouldn't go into labour now as I didn't think I had the energy to give birth anymore. He suggested a nap. I woke up to a contraction. I wasn't sure if it was definately one, but sure enough, six minutes later the next one came. Then I had two at five minutes apart and then they came thick and fast. Now, I was two weeks late and due to go to hospital any day, and did I have my bag packed???? Big panic - throwing things in the bag - stopping for two minutely contractions, thinking I was never going to make it to hospital - we still had to drop Em off at my mum's place and then get to the hospital. We made it though, and I made it upstairs and not long after that Julian was born. My first contraction was at 5.30pm and he was born at 8.55pm. He may have taken his time coming, but when he decided he wanted out, he didn't muck around!
Happy Birthday Julian. We've been so blessed to have you in our lives.
Which leads me on to the next thing. I read on Karen's blog that she is participating in the '30 days of gratitude' blog posting. Now I don't know where she saw this, but I think it's a great idea and I've decided to do it too - my first entry being dedicated to Julian. I am so grateful that he came into my life. He's such a wonderful boy with an amazing sense of humour, so deep at times and very sensitive. I've loved watching him grow into what he is now and I can't wait to see how he will turn out when he is older.
Hopefully I will be able to post everyday for 30 days - but given my track record I wouldn't hold your breath!
Posted by
9:53 AM