Thursday, November 1, 2007

It's Raining, it's Pouring!!

It's so lovely to see the rain, to hear the rain, to smell the rain and to feel the rain.

And just the perfect weather to do the fortnightly baking for school lunches.

Next I will get the sewing machine and finish the bag.

And then it's time to put on the evening roast..... mmmm I'm getting hungry already.



emma said...

Yay for rain! As for me, I'm enjoying the sunshine right now, but I know how much you needed some rain over there.

Madi said...

Isn't it lovely? Its worth damp toes and frizzy hair just to know that some of this moisture is penetrating the gardens and filling the rainwater tanks :)

Jenny said...

Oooo wasn't the rain fabulous-our rain water tank is full again now and the garden is happy!! Your felt bag looks wonderful can't wait to see it lined.

Unknown said...

It's cloudy here today and we heard some light rain on our tin roof last night. You are very clever attaching the handles to the bag lining, looking forward to seeing that one. Your back garden and baking look very homely.

Berber said...

I'm so glad you have rain at last!!

You make me very hungry with all that lovely cooking... and it's bedtime over here!

Kali said...

I can hear your garden singing from all that glorious rain!
Perfect weather for baking and getting lost in a creative goodness :)