Monday, August 30, 2010


the other day we came back from kicking the soccer ball and i was typing on the computer when i looked up and found one of our chickens in the garden. i smiled - it's such a lovely sight......then i realised - 'hang on a cotton picking minute, we don't let our chickens out in the whole garden'. upon closer inspection i found it was not one, but all four in the garden - having a super time. they had such fun, and they weren't too naughty that we decided to do it again. it makes david super nervous - especially when they discovered the veggie garden - but for me, i just love watching them scratch around! there is nothing funnier than a bunch of chicken's bums in the air - and feet madly scratching away.

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Pip said...

They sound so happy and contented, they are good at getting the slugs and things like that but if you have small plants or seedlings then they will wreak havoc, I think with big plants they are not quite so bad.

Lorraine said...

I love the sound of chooks free-ranging in the garden....looks like they are having a good time....getting rid of pests and fertilizing the soil as they go...can't be a bad thing!

Mary Welsh Hubbard said...

They were having a grand time! :O) I wish we could have chickens. Especially right now when there is a major major egg recall going on here.

karen said...

Aww, what a cute little clip of your chookies! Did you find out how they escaped? My chicks are getting so big, they have all their feathers and are living outside now. There loving having a scratch about the garden too. Happy free ranging to your girls:)

annemariesquilt said...

I had a big smile on my face watching them ;-))

Leanne said...

Oh that sound!! It's hard not to forgive the carnage! ;)

dineke said...

Love the clip of your chikens I let mine roam the garden most days althoug I do have problems some days geting them back in their cage,specially if Im running late Ella and winter like to nest in the appletree,and Sophie keeps changing spots so I dont always know where to find her.

karen said...

hey levin, I bet your boys will like making the crayon suncatchers and they look so bright and fun on windows, I love ours:) When is Julians party again? Ifs Saturday lunch time we will be a bit late because bennys working but we'll come and ill drop off your fisher price toys. Do you want some extra bits and pieces of little people sets that I have? Yes id love some wooden puzzles