After reading Chookyblue's post about how she was given flowers I felt rather envious. I rarely get given flowers and when I questioned David about this he said he grew masses of flowers for me in the garden. And it's true - and what's more, now that the sun is coming out, they've decided to bloom. When I shared this with Chookyblue she suggested that I share my flowers - so here they are.
These lilies were originally planted by David's grandmother in her garden and we managed to get a few of the bulbs for our garden.
The anenomes are looking beautiful at the moment.
This is our big patch of ranunculi - I don't know if you can see it but they are just starting to come out but there are masses of flowers coming - I can't wait!
I think that ranunculi are my favourite flower - oh and poppies - and freesias (for their scent), and orange blossom - mmmmm I love orange blossom.
These are my flowers to all of you!